Monday, July 11, 2011

Everyone's a Cloud Expert

In case anyone wonders why discussions of Cloud Computing are met with such broad skepticism and cynicism, I submit to you Exhibit "B" in the case against the cloud. (Exhibit "A", of course, is the question of "what happens if you, the service provider, end up being terrible?")

This example demonstrates how tenuous a grasp even those selling and advocating cloud technologies seem to have on the concept. They end up prattling on ad nauseam with a collection of garbled nothing-speak that causes the eyes to roll back in one's head.

"Why Cloud Computing Must Evolve" - wait, what? It has barely been born, yet you talk about it as if it were a foregone certainty.

The adoption of cloud computing — with businesses running a significant portion of their applications in the cloud — is on the verge of becoming ubiquitous. This marked increase in the use of the Internet for accessing computing resources will necessitate an evolution in the cloud computing network, which will include accessing public and private data.

"On the verge of becoming ubiquitous." Really! Eddie's in the space-time continuum, you say?


The rest of the article is a thinly-veiled effort to drum up interest in the author's company, and as an advertising piece goes, it is pretty lackluster. It seems to me that those who will be successful in marketing their product, will be able to do so in simple terms anyone could easily understand.

1 comment:

MyAppleExperience said...

I think cloud computing in most "environments" is ubiquitous. For example, if your company uses iphone products, you soon will not really have a choice. But this does NOT mean companies are all moving their infrastructure into the cloud. That is too expensive. More and more software as a service (SaaS) such as salesforce, are used by more and more companies as well for one thing or another. Does HR use online recruiting tools. Just say they are in the cloud and everyone will be happy who wants you to use cloud buzzwords.